Mobile Marketing Tips 2015

Mobile Marketing Tips 2015

So if you have not dipped your finger into mobile marketing, use these mobile marketing tips for small business to get on the boat!

1.Rewards Customers
Encourage customers who use mobile services such as FourSquare, Google+, ShopKick or SpotIt to check-in to your location and offer a reward for them doing so, such as incentives, special discounts, prizes or recognition for a certain number of visits.
2. Stay Connected with Social Media Marketing
Use your mobile phone to keep your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram profiles up-to-date and engaged.
3. Text Marketing
Create opt-in campaigns allowing your customers to sign up to receive special messages, alerts and rewards for joining your text campaign. Use this platform to allow customers to take a specific action such as participating in a survey or visiting your website in exchange for a reward .
4. QR Codes
Using Quick Response Codes allows users to access a specific content area in order to obtain a special reward or to take advantage of a specific promotion. QR scanners can easily be downloaded for free onto any smartphone, and you can create your own QR codes easily .
5. Mobile Customer Service
Track orders, payments, shipping details and respond to questions quickly on the go using your smartphone. This is easy and convenient for you and your customers enjoy the faster responses from it.
6. Mobile Directories
Mobile directories have replaced the phone book yellow pages for the majority of people. If you want to ensure your business is found, register with several mobile directories such as Yelp, Google+Local, and Yellow Pages. Include the name of your business, the product/service you provide, business hours, phone number, physical address and link to your website.
7. Build Mobile App
If You Want to make your business even more easily accessible then,create an app. Your app should provide unique content apart from your other digital presences, but still sell products, allow you to communicate with your customers, or whatever else you desire. Eighty-five percent of smartphone users surveyed feel more at ease navigating an app than a mobile version of your website.

If you’re already into mobile marketing, keep doing your research in order to keep your business on top of the newest trends.Social networking and mobile marketing are constantly moving forward and evolving. If you do not stay on top of the times and stay tuned into what mobile marketing means, it’s too easy to get left behind.

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