Technical SEO

Next.Js and SEO – Technical SEO 2022

Next.Js and SEO – Technical SEO 2022

Single-page apps and server-rendered applications are two of the most common types of contemporary applications. Despite Google’s recent changes to how their crawler handles single-page applications, we continue to see a lack of SEO results. However, server-side rendered apps can improve SEO results in search engines while maintaining a reasonable level of performance. The development Next.Js and SEO – Technical SEO 2022

8 Factors of Technical SEO Everyone Should Know

Technical SEO isn’t a cakewalk, but the Creative SEO team will explain – in layman’s terms – the key areas of your website’s technical foundation you should focus on. First, let’s understand what technical SEO is. What is Technical SEO? The principles of technical SEO aim at enhancing the technical elements of your website to 8 Factors of Technical SEO Everyone Should Know