Know What Techniques Work and What Do Not In the Digital Marketing Realm

Know What Techniques Work and What Do Not In the Digital Marketing Realm

digital Marketing


While almost every business has realized the importance of digital marketing to be able to survive in the pool of competition online, many lack on executing an effective and engaging approach for generating results. There are certain dos and don’ts surrounding the planning and execution of any campaign online that you should follow.


  • Digital Marketing DosFind Target Platform

With a horde of social media channels available, it is vital to choose a platform that best matches your business operations. Marketing strategy comprising of interaction with customers would be suitable on Facebook and Twitter while visual-based marketing is affective at Instagram and Pinterest.

  • Engage CustomersDigital Marketing Dos

Personalization is the key to digital marketing. Know what your audience wants and deliver it to them through effective engagement. Avoid using too much automation and build campaigns designed for connecting with customers.

Digital Marketing Dos

  • Original Content With SEO

Focus on posting relevant and valuable content that solves a problem or provides helpful insight on a topic. Optimize the content with quality SEO to increase your page’s ranking on search engine results.


Digital Marketing Don't

  • Spam

It is highly suggested to refrain from spamming your customers with pop-ups and forced advertising. These non-consensual adverts become an obstacle to your meaningful content and make you lose potential customers.

Digital Marketing Don't

  • Don’t Ignore Mobile Users

With a rising number of people operating their social network accounts through their smartphones and tablets, it is important that brands use a responsive web design or create an alternate mobile version of their website.

Digital Marketing Don't

  • Focus on Selling

Instead of hard selling your products directly, post about concepts, ideas, and solutions to problems that surround your product. Such content will grasp the interest of users and make them more interested in your product or service.
